Chair Yoga – Mixed Levels
Chair-based Yoga Classes will offer the same benefits as practicing on your mat. It is a standing and chair based class geared to varied abilities with a focus on mindful movement and proper alignment. The chair is used as a prop for support, balance, centering and meditation, if you so choose. Asana variations are often given to allow students to find their optimal balance between support and challenge, meeting them exactly where they are, at that moment, encouraging self actualisation and self love. All are welcome, no Yoga experience needed. This class will incorporate an exploration of strength, balance, breath, meditation and relaxation all while creating an opportunity to lower stress levels, find tranquility and peace in your life, improving mobility, respiration and posture. It will increase your mental focus, vitality and resilience creating a better quality of life.
Sign up below or contact Isabelle for more information.

Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga classes are for people new to yoga or those who are interested in a gentle practice. Gentle yoga does not necessarily mean that it is an easy class. While the intensity may be lower, the focus and commitment may be higher. This class incorporates simple flowing sequences to warm up the body, as well as slower paced movements focusing on interoseption, alignment, strength, balance, breath, meditation and relaxation all while supporting your mental, physical, and spiritual needs. Gentle yoga helps to get the body out of stress-mode (fight or flight), release tension, calm the nervous system, gain clearer thinking, and even restore an overall sense of balance to the body, the mind and the soul. Each class will end with an extended period of relaxation. This class is appropriate for anyone of any age, shape or size. No experience or flexibility required. This is an opportunity to lower stress levels, find tranquility and peace in your life while improving mobility, respiration, posture, mental focus, vitality, and resilience, creating a better quality of life.
Sign up below or contact Isabelle for more information.

Meditation classes are for people new to meditation or those who are interested in finding awareness, achieving peace and improving focus. Meditation is a practice where an individual uses techniques such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, mantra, as well as, a focused activity. It is a method of focused concentration, bringing yourself back to the moment over and over again. Meditation has been widely studied and has been found to reduce pain, stress and anxiety while promoting a healthy, happy and a more aligned life. Individuals who meditate have been found to sleep better, decelerate aging, be more present and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation will help you change your viewpoint towards life, and provide peace of mind and inner joy. It helps you achieve a better understanding of yourself as well as others. Meditation is easy to learn – especially when it’s guided. Results that you see through your body and your health, enhancing self awareness & promoting emotional health, will become amplified when you practice daily. Join Isabelle for weekly guided meditations. Learn how to sit comfortably, breath deeply, release the body & still the mind. Each week we’ll explore new methods of meditation.

Private Yoga 1:1/Groups
Individualized sessions are a wonderful way to meet yours or your group’s exact needs. If you are ready to dive deeper with me and personalize your practice, I can create a series of classes, personalized to your specific needs or desires, I’m happy to offer one-on-one private and group sessions via Zoom that will address your specific needs and requirements.
After an initial conversation, a program will be designed based on your needs. A class day, time, and length will be determined based on your schedule during the initial conversation.
This is available in Packages. Circumstances vary, therefore, the price will be quoted during initial free consult.

Isabelle’s Yoga Journey
20 Years of Experience
Isabelle is fascinated with the body and its ability to heal naturally through energy and movement. Her own 20-years of practice has led to a deep understanding of adapting and accommodating the body’s ever-changing needs.
In 2014, Isabelle immersed herself in an 8-month meditation course training in Samadhi. She followed this training with an 8-week mindfulness meditation course and became a meditation teacher. In 2018, Isabelle completed her Registered Yoga Training – 200 hours, followed by Registered Children’s Yoga Training – 95 hours. Continuing her education and taking her Seniors and Restorative yoga.
Isabelle enjoys teaching all levels and ages groups and is currently offering specialized classes for seniors (retirement homes), children, youth and teens (birthday parties/events/schools) in the Niagara Region.
Yoga Is A Way Of Life
“In my 30’s I started a yoga practice that introduced me to a more natural and calming way of life. I became a Mom, and with this body and chemical change came a whole new education on mental health and how hormones can change one’s life quickly and drastically. I went to work on myself energetically, physically and mentally. I did whatever it took to heal myself. I learned all about our energetic body and how it functions. I learned breathing exercises; I even learned that sometimes conventional medicine has a place and that if we marry the natural with the conventional, miracles can happen.” ~ Isabelle