Isabelle’s Wholistic Alignment Journey
I have had yoga in my life for over two decades, on and off, but it wasn’t until I was a brand new Mom, moved across the country, bought my first home and started a company that I sought it out once again.
Before all these major life changes, I was going to yoga for the Asana practice, the physical. This is known in yoga as Annamaya-kosha (food/physical sheath, Earth element).
When I was faced with all these major life changes I knew I needed something to guide me through the mental. This is known in yoga as Manomaya-kosha (mental sheath, Fire element).
Have you ever felt that way?
It turned out that I was postpartum and probably depressed from such a drastic change of life. Yoga helped me through this time.
I looked forward to my hour every week where I would get natural adjustments, clear my mind, and connect in to myself, you know «check in». This is known in yoga as Pranamaya-kosha (vital life force sheath, Water element).
I continued my practice through my second pregnancy and when I look back now, I am very grateful for it. It was what held me together.
As the years passed, I knew I needed more, almost like I had hit a plateau and needed to dive deeper into my healing journey. I found a 200 hour meditation instructor course, and dove into the Pratyahara (meditative) part of the yoga practice. I dove deep into the last 4 limbs of yoga and some buddhist teachings.
This is what changed my life!
I feel like this experience was what changed me to my core, on a cellular level, connecting me deeply to my intuition and wisdom.
This is where I understood the subtle energy body and wanted to learn more about energy healing. I had many fears and anxieties before my meditation journey and it was as though they had vanished.
Have you ever had that inner voice and barrier that keeps you stuck? That keeps you from getting what you want and becoming who you honestly deep down want to be? That keeps you disconnected from your intuition?
All that was gone, It was replaced with a deep sense of knowing. This is known in yoga as Vijnanamaya-kosha (wisdom/intellect/intuitive sheath, Air element).
That’s what meditation can do for you!
I was finally able to complete my reflexology course and then there was no stopping me.
I am now a Crystal Reiki Master, a Reflexologist, I got certified in a healing treatment called Aromatouch, and I certified in Champissage, all while studying and understanding the subtle energy body and energy medicine, the western and eastern. I started a holistic practice and offer these treatments while combining energy medicine and healing.
My dream was to study Yoga in India, but having a family this dream didn’t seem feasible, until serendipity led me to a local Teacher Training Course.
I dove in, and a year later I was a certified Yoga teacher.
The only difficulty was that I felt like a broken bird. I explored all my physical issues and received a long list of ailments, what I call «labels». Now, a yoga teacher, I was equipped with knowledge on how to heal my body.
And this is when I discovered the therapeutic aspect of the yoga practice. I also knew I wanted to make yoga inclusive/accessible, as I had clients coming into my holistic practice that couldn’t get down onto a mat.
As I continued to be guided this was exactly what was presented, I was getting offered gentle, chair yoga and meditation classes. I continued my yoga education to meet the needs of the aging body and became a life coach.
You too can reduce your physical pain, increase mobility, reach self-actualisation and live a better quality of life.
Yoga did that for me!

In the process of teaching many gentle, chair, meditation classes and running my holistic practice weekly, as well as, continuing my sadhana daily, being a Mom and running a household, I began to heal my body, mind and spirit.
And that’s when I decided to get back to some of my youthful interests and hobbies, connecting into my inner child and re-exploring jewelry making, astrology, tarot, oracles and numerology. I’ve certified in astrology, numerology and as a Tarot Coach.
As I was learning my astrological blueprint, number codes, following the moon cycles, the natural rhythms of nature and living life consciously through my daily rituals, I continued to heal my mind, body and spirit, connecting into my truth, my essence, my soul. This is known in yoga as Anandamaya-kosha (bliss sheath, ether/space element).
Astrology, numerology and card readings are an opportunity to explore the depth of your cosmic consciousness. Using these tools to do the inner work, to awaken the sleeping presence of your true self/nature, your purpose and your essence, to bring courage, balance and harmony to your life which is essentially, perfection.
Awaken. Inspire. Transform. Heal.
I aim to awaken, inspire, help transform and heal the life of anyone seeking self-actualisation, resilience and lifelong change by offering intuitive guidance, coaching, healing modalities, yoga and meditation centered around the connectedness of mind, body and spirit.
Being highly intuitive, empathic, and sensitive has given me the gift and ability to inspire others to connect to their innermost being, something I believe is my calling. I see this disconnect to ourselves as being one of “THE BIGGEST” problems of our world today. The reason most people don’t know how to create the life they truly want to experience!
Needless to say, my toolbox is plentiful, and I will continue to study the practice of yoga, meditation, astrology and numerology and energy healing. These modalities have an endless depth of knowledge. This also fills my soul, learning is my happy place and it allows me to share all these immeasurable tools for living life Wholistically in Alignment, with you. ~ Isabelle

with Yoga / Meditation, Astrology / Numerology / Tarot, Energy Healing, Events, On Demand Videos and Courses.
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Yoga / Meditation

Astrology / Numerology / Tarot
Astrology / Numerology / Tarot

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Energy Healing

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