Art by @jensfineart
New Moon in Taurus ♉️ blessings!
This Moon 🌚 comes with the number 11 energy. Our South Node(who we are ancestrally) and our North Node (what we want to grow into for liberation) are at 11 degrees, as well as, Mars (our desire/drive), therefore it is safe to say you will « feel » driven to achieve self-mastery and discovering your spiritual truths.
We also encounter Uranus intermingling @ 11 degrees with Mars, this may also make you feel compelled to set clear boundaries, to be creative and make some changes in your life. This energy allows for quick results giving you inspiration and courage to take some risks.
That’s a lot of 11 energy attracting exciting opportunities for self-growth and expansion in every way.
The Sun and Moon are @ 21 degrees this number connects to the truth, feeling joy and the transcendence of beauty. Tying into the flavor of Taurus.
Taurus asks you to persist forward in this New beginning and use its hardworking, ambitious and mental tenacity to get the job done.
But it’s not all work with the Bull, he wants you to enjoy all things luxurious and cozy. Connecting into all 6 senses and enjoy the finer things in life.
This marks the end of a cycle with the eclipse season from November/December of 2020 and now starting the New 6 month cycle on May 26. What are your long term goals for the next 6 months? This week, I encourage you to set some goals for higher levels of consciousness and attain self-mastery, Inspire others and yourself to believe in self and improve the quality of life. And finally, seek to promote peace, love and harmony on this beautiful planet we call Earth.
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